Men's Health

Men’s Health

Health Men's Health

It’s inevitable. Eventually, with a weight loss goal of more than a few pounds, the dieter hits a plateau. The body seems to balk at more weight loss. ...
Health Men's Health

BOSTON — The decision to take a loved one off life support is one of the most gut-wrenching and traumatizing choices someone can make. While doctors often give families ...
Health Men's Health

COLOGNE, Germany — For centuries, humanity has sought to unravel the mysteries of aging. What causes our bodies to change and decline over time? Is it a pre-programmed ...
Health Men's Health

One of the most important things you can do for your brain is to move your body. People who exercise have less risk for brain disorders like Alzheimer’s ...
Health Men's Health

LONDON — Humans have three basic needs for survival: food, air, and sleep. Having a good night’s rest is essential for the brain to organize itself, which includes ...
Health Men's Health

Nothing boosts your confidence and mood like flashing a bright smile with pearly-white teeth. For most of us, though, achieving that movie star look is easier said than ...
Health Men's Health

LONDON — Some of the United Kingdom’s most famous paintings have been altered – to show what they’d look like to someone with glaucoma. Pieces by masters Sandro ...
Health Men's Health

TORONTO — When it comes to long-term COVID immunity, new research out of Canada suggests boosters are better than your original shot. Researchers from York University’s Centre for Disease ...
Health Men's Health

Ah, the dreaded sore throat. That scratchy, sandpapery sensation that turns swallowing into a battlefield and makes even a whisper feel like a shout. But fear not, fellow ...
Health Men's Health

HOUSTON — Weight loss surgery can sound extreme for a child. However, researchers have found that such a procedure can have long-lasting benefits as they reach adulthood. Researchers ...