Health Professionals

Health Professionals

Health Professionals

Soothe Baby Colic: 4 Easy Infant Massages   by Ken Howard and Jyothi Larson Find out how certain types of touch can calm even the most colicky infants ...
Health Professionals

Why Our Kids Are Coming in Last Place by Sam Pizzigati New global research links income inequality to the poor fitness of America’s youth. The United States, anyone ...
Health Professionals

Diabetes Linked to Memory Decline in Older Adults (Source: Flickr: Kalvicio de las Nieves ) by Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Older adults with poorly controlled diabetes may struggle with what’s ...
Health Professionals

Single Sport Focus Increases Injury Risk by Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) Focusing only on one sport, year-round, can increase kids’ risk of injury and burnout, according to a ...
Health Professionals

It’s official: CVS Health announced Sunday it would be purchasing health insurer Aetna Inc. for $69 billion. The companies say this deal will mean cheaper health care costs for their ...
Health Professionals

The other day I had a chat with a young woman who had experienced extreme success in her business, gaining world renown in five short years. I asked her the ...
Health Professionals

After beating out 10,000 contenders and crafting over 60 drinks, Kaitlyn Stewart took first place at this year’s World Class competition. Stewart, who works at Royal Dinette Vancouver, is the ninth bartender ...
Health Professionals

Ah, springtime, when we clean out our closets, clear our minds, and spruce up our fitness routines. Since summer is the unnoffical start of peak running season (in ...
Health Professionals

Ever looked at a trainer’s body and thought, I wonder what they do? We wanted answers, so we asked one of our favorite trainers—certified strength and conditioning specialist Rob ...
Health Professionals

For some people, cardio is just not in the cards. But if you’re strength training and your workout is achieving the goals you want, is it enough for your heart ...